Monday, October 31, 2016

Lets make Zooooooooooom

Resultado de imagen para nasa pictures 2016

Hello my dear students! Please click on the next video and watch it carefully (If you want you can watch it as many times as you like):


Resultado de imagen para mirando una hormiga por una lupa
Impressive don’t you think? It gives the feeling that I am small little ant.

Now that you have watched this video, let’s do SSA on your notebooks and be prepared to share it on your groups at next class.

-      Something that caught your attention
-      Something you didn’t know before
-      A question that you have

Here I leave with NASA 45 best pictures, enjoy them!



Miss O

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Our first cork board!

Hello class! Remember we talked about a Native American tribe’s assignment? Well here are the specific instructions to do it:


1°. -  Getting started:

Enter to and use your group email address to create an account.

Also, before you start you will have to decide what title and description you are writing for your assigned Native American tribe (Cherokee, Sioux, Apache or Wichita).

2°. - Designing your padlet:

It is up to you to decide how your padlet want to look like, this by choosing themes, symbols, colors, and more.

3°. – Let´s investigate:

Now you will have to search for information about your Native American tribe, you can search about something you heard in class and wanted to learn more, or search for something you are not sure about.

4°. – What to put on padlet?

As we talked in class, padlet is similar to a cork board where you can put all the resources you like, for instance: pictures, videos, voice notes, news, website links, charts, songs, testimonies, letters, etc.

You are free to choose some of this resources and/ or you can add more that you found interesting, even fun facts or something that caught your attention.

And that would be it, remember that each group will have to present their padlet in front of the class. I am excited see them on the next class!

Until then

Miss O

Monday, October 10, 2016

Digital Footprints

Let’s learn about Digital Footprints!

First´s things first …What do you think that Digital Footprint can mean or relate to?

Now that you have thought about an idea of it, you can prove if you were right or close to the meaning

Digital Footprints are trails that people leave online. This information transmitted online, such as forum registration, e-mails and attachments uploading videos or digital images and any other form of transmission of information-all of which leaves traces of personal information about yourself available to others online.

Internet can be very useful when doing homework, communicating with friends, selling used items and more, however we must learn not to rely 100% on Internet. We can put our personal information in a site that is well noun for its reliability but we have to learn that no matter how private a site is, there is always a way to hack it. This way, digital footprint can be negatively affected since that hacked information could be misused impacting you and even your love ones. Another important aspect is that these footprints are not like the ones the ocean takes away from the sand, these footprints are permanent.

To help you understand this concept watch the next shorts videos:

  •       When you see this picture… what thoughts come to your mind? Write on the comments below followed by “#Picture1”.


So…How I can leave a good Digital footprint?

Here are some tips that I thought about:
  1. ·         Have a safe attitude towards the use of internet: being responsible and caring when posting a photo or a comment is fundamental in order to not harm others and you.
  2. ·         Complete privacy settings on your social media accounts: this might be the most important step toward helping them manage their digital footprint because it prevents your information to go breadth.
  3. ·         Ask friends not to tag you in photos: tag yourself only in photos you want to share, you cannot guarantee your friend's accounts are private.

  • Now is your turn! If you could advice somebody about how to leave a good digital footprint, what would you say? Write down at least 3 advices and be prepare to      share them in groups on our next class.
  •   As a last task, write 3 “Take-Aways” from what you have learned from this topic.

We have got to the end of this post
I am looking forward to hear your digital footprint advices at class!


Miss Olate